GT Rebuild
I'm baaaaaaaack >:3
I'll get straight into it. I've had some GT bits from Stoked stock for a while now and with the past Black Friday I figured I'd fix it up.
I started with the basic frame. So rails, bumpers and the housings complete with electronics. No motor or footpads sadly.
With some goodies so far I've begun work overhauling the lil guy. No name yet.
Lowboy footpads are on their way where I'll likely sell the rear one since I already have a kush in the back. Flight system will be reprinted and modded for my needs.
I have however run into a small issue and I'm still mulling over what I want to do.
I got some FloatBlocks from TFL. They're designed to go onto a stock axle to improve the strength and thermals of a GT motor.Now I got my hands on a Superflux V1 motor and... well turns out that's 35mm in diameter. Stock is like 34.6mm in diamater so guess what doesn't fit in the Floatblocks >.>.
So I have a few choices.
A. Find and buy a GT motor and find another use for the Superflux
B. Increase the inner diameter of the float blocks by like 0.2-0.4mm so I an use a superflux.
C. Borrow the Plus's motor.Option A seems best but good luck finding a cheap GT motor in the UK.
Options B and C both require modification to the GT controller housing to add the cables. Not ideal but possible.TBH I'm not thrilled with my choices. B was the original option minus the enlarging but I'm having doubts >.>
@lia If it were me, I'd go with the route that would cause less damage or if it were to go wrong, wouldn't end up with a broken part
I would think option B wouldn't be terrible, just would be a lot of sanding/drilling and checking I guess -
I still wonder if there's 0.2mm to be gained by heating the blocks up.
@loaffette My thoughts exactly.
I might create a jig to hold the blocks and allow them to rotate 360 around the center. Then advance the Dremel tiny bits to ensure a perfectly round hole.
Basically poor girls lathe lol.
So there I was, finally go the floatblocks adjusted to size (A witch never reveals her secrets)
I used a 35mm hole saw with a printed guide to perfectly centre it and save off 0.1mm off the walls
Barely a hair over 0.1mm difference between the printed guide and the outer edge of the blade. Then after you bottom out the print you remove the adapter and use the existing cut hole to guide the saw the rest of the depth.
It was a success... ful failure!
It now fits but unknown to me until now was the Superflux axle length and the Stock axle lengths are different. Why? No idea but that was a waste of time and $125. I'll find a use for those blocks one day, maybe if I get a stock GT motor I can reclaim the superflux for another board.
So tossing that to the side I'm probably going to get a set of these fabricated. My CNC isn't running yet but I sort of have other things I want to be doing atm so ordering these will save me time.
@lia Slush gonna be jealous!
@lia that looks great in black tbf
@onedangts Oh she is. Last night after taking this pic I went to take her off the dirty mat from a wet/muddy ride earlier in the week. Snagged somehow on the tire and just littered my floor in dirt >.>
@lia Thats a GT?! i want those rails!
@notsure TFL Steep and Deep rails ^-^
They were dead cheap on the black friday sale. There are different versions that probably ride different but I let my purse decide for me 😅 Below are the differences.
@lia how steep is that in degrees please?
nm i used some internet
Anyone had any luck with re-calibrating a GT using FixMyPEV's tutorial?
I'm getting stuck on just connecting via the webpage in Webler 😠Sent them a email but had nothing back so I assume they're busy.
@lia Iphone Webler hasn't worked or months now.
You have to use FFM on the "live" tab on a Windows laptop and I think Android works too.
Do you have FFM ?
If you do the calibration and pairing , level the board, the board may time out and shut off, so it may take a few tries. -
@lemur Oh I never even tried Windows or Android since it said incompatible. Should have seen the little asterisk 😅 Will give it a shot in the morning after I dig out an old android device.
@lia I use nRF Connect along with the original instructions on Android and have had success re-leveling the board. I never disconnected the battery, but that shows factory mode works.
It will have to be a non-upgraded GT. If you have the buzz, FM changed things from what I understand.
@biell I'm 6109 atm (HW6408). Waiting on a GT motor to come sometime next week so I can at least get rid of one of the errors and sort it out. Seems to turn itself off after like a minute so I assume that's related.
I did have a go on Android but the FM app would refuse to see the board after pairing via the FixMyPEV button. Probs that BLE handshake thingy so will need to try the rewheel fix :3
@lia I think the GT BLE commands are different, but I remember the rest being the same for my GT as for my XR:
Rewheeling is the way to go anyway, because after you disable the handshake, you can use OWCE to manage the board (for most things, at least).
The key is to use nRF Connect while the app is still connected.
Kinda been a bit busy but I would like to share the new member of the fam.
I haven't named it yet or styled it out. I don't wanna keep it all black.I ended up not using the superflux motor as it made it super heavy. Thankfully @dajw had a GT motor needing a new home so I was able to buy that and get it running.
Not before fixing the pairing issue. I reached out to Justin at FixMyPEV and he was able to share some knowledge on the topic since I'm not super up to date in the GT fiasco. This guide was what I ended up following.
Will need to unlock it with the tool that shall not be named so I can use the OWCE app.
I also modified a model on Printables to allow an airtag to be mounted ^-^
Might upload it another day as a remix. -
@lia That looks amazing!
I wish my board looked that nice!