Well, 99.9% on the same XR.
A few rides on the Pint and a couple on the V1, but seeing as the day streak relies on the XR, that's my go to ride.
Over that time, 3 falls.
One at 2mph. Loose gravel.
Another at 21mph on the road going up and over a railway bridge.
The last one recently on the V1, I didn't allow for it's lack of torque. Probably went down at about 12mph. This may be its limit. Lol.
Most of the rides have been completed on tarmac across the south of the UK with some in mainland Europe when on holiday.
The ascent/descent in one ride was done in northern Spain, the hills were good there and I had some spare time. Really enjoyed that.
Tough ones for me were the lunchtime rides, then early morning. Easiest being the night owl ones.
From memory, the longer day rides and weekly rides were pretty tough too.
I've been out in all weathers, beautiful sunshine, torrential rain, high wind, snow and ice.
There were no achievements when I got the XR in early 2019 and even when they first introduced them I didn't really make an effort until the day before Xmas 2020 (I think)
The battery is now dead at 25% so range is limited especially in winter.