Watching Action on the Leaderboards
I enjoyed watching OneDanGTS up and down the Leaderboard, in turn holding each place 10 up through 4, and back the way down, 4 through 10. Now, that's action on the Leaderboard!
@s-leon Last Sunday was my last day riding the GTS for a while and if I had ridden twice that day I would've peaked at 3rd. Alas, it was a busy day and I was only able to add 11 miles. It was still pretty fun "chasing the dream", LOL.
I'm now up to no. 28 and have all the daystreak achievements :)
Number 1 on the XR Daystreak is now 801WHEEL sToker Jonz with an impressive 4 years seven days. 801WHEEL sToker Jonz currently holds #1, #2, #2, & #4 -- the first three in Daystreaks, XR, Onewheel Plus, and V1... and the #4 in Onewheel Plus mileage. A wonderfully dedicated rider!
Longtime XR Daystreak leader fuser -- another wonderfully dedicated rider -- has ended their Daystreak on the XR.
@s-leon Oh wow Fuser stepped down from the daystreak?
Did anyone happen to catch how long that was going? I'll admit I've not opened the app in a month or two.
According to this screenshot taken the day my XR streak ended, I had 150 days on him meaning if his day streak ended yesterday it would’ve been 1,708 days which is a little over 4 and a half years. -
@hanahsdax That's huge, but you're still the daystreak king imo :)
I think it would have been brilliant if @Lia made it onto the leaderboard next to this rider 😁
Fuser had 41950 miles on 03/12/23
Then 41960 miles on 04/12/23
The same 41960 on 05/12/23 and the same 41960 today 06/12/23Maybe he's experienced "The Glitch"
🤔 -
@theadman We would have been actually if I hadn't had that stinky issue lol.
Nice to see HanahsDax at the #1 top of the GT Daystreak!
-- And at the same time, the long-time #1 top of the V1 Daystreak!
-- Very impressive dedication! -
@biell -- Is that you on the Onewheel Plus Leaderboard for mileage? -- Nice to share the board with you!
@s-leon Yep, I suppose enough people have fallen off that my Plus (my first board) is now #10! Thanks for noticing, I'm happy to share the board with you.
Wow!!! HanahsDax on the GTS Daystreak! As well as #1 on the GT Daystreak and #1 on the Original Onewheel Daystreak! Congratulations David!
@s-leon good spot! Congrats @HanahsDax
Screenie to immortalise it
I get headache trying to understand how that's even possible.
Congratulations @HanahsDax ! True commitment at its best! -
Thanks everyone. Looks like it’s a co-owned spot with MTPenguin which I don’t mind, I didn’t like the idea/thought of taking another rider’s spot. Whoever gets out earlier or puts more miles on the GT-S can have it that day. I’ve been playing a little rotation game lately where whatever board was the last to ride the previous day is the first board to be ridden the next day.
@hanahsdax -- Now I see you are #3 on the GTS Daystreak! Moving on up. Very impressive Leaderboard showings!
@hanahsdax -- And today -- May 14th 2024 -- You are #2 on the GTS Daystreak!!!