In The Wild, Photo Share (If Possible To Capture).... Keep Your OneWheel In The Shot If You Can.
3 different spider species within 30 feet. Had to bail before hitting the first one. Skidded the tail and couldn't stop in time... little tire burn on my ankle lol.
See that weird looking bug? Spider!
Bowl shaped web:
Orb weaver:
*All spiders safely relocated.
egret? heron? crane? i dunno but the supermoon stole all our water.
Managed to catch this fox on camera today, I have had one chasing me up the road before, this one was a bit unsure but waited long enough for me to get the phone from my pocket :)
Came across a ripened blackberry bush that was tempting to clamber into and snag a few but thought better of it being as I'd come away covered in cuts and thorns. Enjoy the pic anyway ^-^
(yes I know the tire needs replacing. I wanna see how far I can get through before it blows out... that and Enduro's in the UK aren't in stock)Also bonus pic :3
It's technically onewheel related. A little Woodlouse was crossing my desk as I was opening the Forum. I have no idea how it got in here but I let it outside after playing with it a little. Didn't want Frank the big spider that I let roam the flat eat it.
What a photo…. Very nice to be so close :) -
@quicksanddyoung how!
Here’s a snapping turtle, mid to small size compared to some I’ve seen recently.
Only because it is highly unusual, under the spoilers are photos of a freshly road-killed raptor (hawk) -- NOT done in by Onewheel. Which species? I do not know. The second photo is close-up.
@s-leon RIP bird friend </3
Two forms of animate wildlife on the Greenway today:
Taken while Onewheeling in the neighborhood this morning -- two bald eagles perched at the top of my neighbor's dead tree:
Down and no longer active, this was by the side of the Greenway today.
@s-leon Oh my goodness is that a giant wasp nest???
@lia -- Yes... impressive. Only the nest is giant-sized, not the wasps themselves.
@s-leon Aha I'd hope so. Me and another rider came across this massive wasp as big as my thumb. I guess a hornet because of the size. It was disgustingly big.
It took like 2 whole minutes to "pspsps" it over but I got to stroke the cute fluffy cat (ft. @TheAdman)