New here. Hoping to contribute to the community and hoping this first picture works lol.

Best posts made by blkdout
RE: In The Wild, Photo Share (If Possible To Capture).... Keep Your OneWheel In The Shot If You Can.
RE: Where's Onewheel?
Geez. You guys upped the game since I've been here lol. Thought I was being clever with this one but I'll try harder next time.
My Third Season Finally Started!
I'm not a commuter or daily rider but the winter wait really takes a toll. The weather is turning around and I was FINALLY able to put some miles on yesterday.
First season was just learning the fundamentals.
Second season was pushing skills and developing a style.
Third Season... I don't know yet!For those of you that have been around for a while, what can I expect this year?
I do plan on going to Float Valley in Tennessee for a change in scenery. Just hoping I don't plateau and get bored.
It was messy but so much fun to break in the new season:
RE: U.S. CPSC Statement on the danger of OWs
@onedangt Can't disagree with focusing on the customer experience and furthering education about the limitations. I have always disagreed with the sales pitch that "Anyone can do it!". Adding an audible alert could be just the solution needed.
By "business as usual" though I meant it would be better than them being banned from making Onewheels. I see it wasn't clear and even confused myself lol.
With that said, I grew up skateboarding and you just kind of know when you're approaching danger. No safety bells and whistles needed. The Onewheel has been no exception in my experience. Watching people accelerate these things into oblivion and ride way outside their skillset makes me more upset than it should. The government is already coming for another hobby of mine because of irresponsible users and I'm kind of shellshocked it's happening again with this.
RE: In The Wild, Photo Share (If Possible To Capture).... Keep Your OneWheel In The Shot If You Can.
I promise not to make this a snake thread but couldn't help sharing one of my favs. My dog found it and made it not happy lol.
DIY Stand
Just wanted to share the stand I made a while back. Don't have any awesome internal board mods like you guys yet but maybe eventually.
Bought the steel years ago for another project that got changed so it was just scrap laying around. I've been kicking it around the floor, bending the arms, ruining the finish but it's holding up well lol.
RE: Halloween 2022
You guys are reminding me I need to power up my robot spider this year. 26 servos and various algorithms for different movements and dances. Fun for a few minutes I guess lol.
RE: What do people in your life think about your Onewheel(s)?
My people are happy I found forums and finally shut up about it lol.
Latest posts made by blkdout
RE: Onewheel Photoshoot Thread
@lia I'm shivering just looking at this. Isn't it COLD out?!
RE: Haptic Buzz
@theadman Yeah, that's where I'm at with it. If I update the app, the firmware is sure to follow. VESC may come sooner than expected.
@Sirgu I'm on 4212 hardware so I might be screwed lol. Last I tried OWCE it didn't do much for me. I'll have to try it again though just to see.
RE: Haptic Buzz
Ugh, same for me I just saw. Even with cellular and wifi turned off it's still forcing me to update. I'm just procrastinating the inevitable now it seems.
I'm also not a fast rider but like @Franko, the nervousness remains.
Haptic Buzz
Just wondering how everyone is enjoying their firmware update. I've seen a lot of buzz on reddit but after a quick scroll here, haven't noticed any mention of it yet.
Admittedly, I haven't ridden since before the update so I have no experience to speak of but did turn off cellular data and whatnot for the app just in case.
RE: Onewheel Photoshoot Thread
That janky ass bridge looks fun. How long was it?
RE: My Third Season Finally Started!
Soooo turns out riding fenderless over a bunch of pine needles is far less than desirable. So much so, I broke and picked up a full fender. With a little modification it fits the FAF rails. Just have to get used to the noise again... I forgot how loud they are.
RE: My Third Season Finally Started!
Made it to the new place, not unpacked yet but started clearing out a path between the trees. Priorities lol.
RE: Where's Onewheel?There's also ripples in the water at the sun's reflection. Some kind of fly or something.
RE: Hacks & Odds
@puzz360 said in Hacks & Odds:
@blkdout That's neat.... A fender hole delete :)
I almost didn't post it, it's so silly lol, but I was in a silly mood I guess.
@cheppy44 said in Hacks & Odds:
@blkdout thats a cool tool!!
Highly recommended, even without my little socket hack. Enough leverage for the axle screws and all. There's a cheaper, fixed version but the modular one that breaks down is nice for travel: