Watching Action on the Leaderboards
@puzz360 i been pushing it with no PPE lately. 20mph on flat or downhill paved surfaces. usually with a cup of tea in my hand. green tea. iced cuz i aint no bitch...
@lia, ouch indeed, though this happened middle of last year so now all good. Cheers
The day streak is still going strong and now the weather is slightly improving and the days are drawing out I’m getting a few more miles done some days… yay…
@notsure said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
@puzz360 i been pushing it with no PPE lately. 20mph on flat or downhill paved surfaces. usually with a cup of tea in my hand. green tea. iced cuz i aint no bitch...
You go easy there @notsure…. No PPE, I can live with that but iced green tea ???
Surely it’s gotta be English breakfast tea, with a splash of milk, tea bag left in for full strength 😂
@lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
It has done this a few times and I've considered removing the feature to avoid confusion.
Looks like it's still broken and I imagine the forum polling it everytime the page loads isn't helping. I've disabled the sidebar for the time being as the data is wrong anyway.
Today I have hit 1500 days on my streak 🥳
Part of me is considering letting it slip tomorrow on a nice number. Keeping up the streak while recovering is rough but also in July when visiting @cheppy44 it's going to be a nuisance dragging Slush everywhere especially to SanFran for a convention we're going too. Kinda already decided to fly rather than drive across country which we did consider till we realised it's like over a week round trip lol. I could get someone else to ride her but I don't feel right about that personally.
It feels more appropriate to end it on my terms than begrudgingly do so later (because I won't lol and everyone knows it. I rode in crutches!)
When I fell off back at 650 days I assumed I could get back to the top 5 in under 1000 days so I could make the silly "I said I'd be back" post then knock it on the head at 1000. But now 1500 days in solidly sitting at 8 for a while I don't think I'm getting to make that silly joke.
I mean over 4 years everyday on that board with a stock pack. I think we've both earnt the rest.
Nevermind Slushy said no, 1501 days >.>
@lia 🥲
Not as daily dedicated as Lia or HanahsDax, I dropped my V1 daystreak yesterday. I had accidentally let a bike battery fall on my foot, bruising it, and it had given me discomfort in the night -- so I decided to give it rest. The bruise feels much better today.
@s-leon Oh no I hope you're okay! Foot pain is such an inconvenience.
Fingers crossed that heals up quick and you're able to keep the swelling down. -
Back to #1 & #2 in distance Onewheeled. At #6 & #6 (riding mornings toggling to #5) in Daystreak today I am just four or five dedicated (some VERY dedicated) riders away from my goal of #3 & #4. It still may be months away -- and by that time another status might change.
@Puzz360 Congrats on making it to #5 and representing the UK!
@lia Thanks Lia.
I went out and did 4 miles early today, when I checked at 06:15 UK time I was still 6.
I checked again for some reason just after 07:00 on the way to work and I had dropped to 5.
Scottufool was at 5. They must have been 7 hours behind UK time and I guess past midnight for them I jumped up a place.Hope they are ok, but for now 5 for me is nice.
@lia -- Does this mean that you are now #6 on the XR Daystreak?
@s-leon I’m #7 :)
I just realized that I can no longer be on the leaderboards since I'm on a vesc
oopsie -
Some notable “action” on the leaderboards:
#1 XR day streak leader fuser now has the #1 mileage spot as well with a 15,003 mile difference between their overall mileage and their streak mileage.
quicksand is the first GT rider to reach 18,000 miles.
S. Leon and 801Wheel sToker Jonz have 4 leaderboard spots, with 801Wheel holding 3 top 5 day streak positions while FranKtheTank holds 3 overall mileage spots between 3 different OW models with what appears to be a crutches emoji next to his handle. Hope he is doing ok.
@hanahsdax Thanks for the updates!
I’m quicksand, it’s been a great ride. -
I didn’t want to start a new thread just for this post so I figured this was the most appropriate one to add to.
I had a goal of reaching 1,000 days of riding in a row on my Onewheel+ XR. The streak ended on day 902 with an error 16 code. During that span I also obtained a V1 day streak spot. I started the V1 streak on day 750 of my XR streak. Today I finally “officially” achieved my goal and a lot of it was from the help of our friend @Lia. The trophy she made me when I unofficially hit the 1000 day mark was inspiration to “really” make it happen. Thanks Lia!
@hanahsdax Congrats on hitting an official 1000 days! I totally forgot the app counted overflow.
Really happy the trophy helped inspire you. It was a lot of fun to work on and only felt appropriate for such a worthy achievement :) I hope it's holding up well and still spins :3