Forum rules?
Forum Rules
Posts and threads should be relevant to Onewheels.
(Off Topic category isn't strictly Onewheel related) -
No discrimination, harassment or bullying. Treat others as your equal.
(This includes but is not limited too: race, gender [including self ID], age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and disability) -
Please try to keep threads on topic.
(Posts that stray too far off course may be moved to a more appropriate thread) -
Disturbing or offensive content should be clearly marked and hidden under a spoiler tag.
(Mods may edit posts to add warnings if missed. Examples of NSFW content include excessive blood or injuries) -
Do not use the forum to host and/or share links to illegal content or suspicious websites.
(This includes but is not limited to copyrighted content, scams and general spam)
- Rules broken will may result in a warning by mods and posts may be modified to fall in line with the above rules. Frequent and deliberate breaches may result in a temporary ban while severe breaches are likely to be permanent.
- Obvious spam will just be removed including anything suspected of being written by an algorithm.
Rules have been made live as of 2022/12/23
Requests to alter or add rules may be discussed below.
@lia mark pictures with blood in them as NSFW? I know some people can't handle the sight of blood
@loaffette Good idea. I think hiding them under a spoiler tag with a warning above would be a good idea like below.
Content Warning : Distressing image
You lost the game :3
Gotcha ;)
I may need to make a "How To" for the forum since some of the markup is a little finicky and not always simple.
@lia This is a good idea, but people shouldn't be castigated for messing up and not putting it under a Spoiler. Maybe the moderators can just go in when it happens and fix it up for people.
@biell said in Forum rules?:
Maybe the moderators can just go in when it happens and fix it up for people.
Oh, so you mean like big brother is watching! Oops, I mean big sister! :D
@biell Agree entirely, I'm not confrontational enough to do that anyway lol. I'd sneak in an edit, much like the reddit rule appears to imply mods will NSFW a post if the OP didn't initially add it.
@OneDanGT Aha nice save ;)
Must simp for @Lia , first and only rule!
@samuraipunch Ha no shot, ideally I want 0 preferential treatment.
@lia --In other words, equal courtesy and respect to all! Right?
@s-leon Exactly! I'd say it falls under the no discrimination rule but I may work the wording a it to be a bit more clear.
Made a preliminary list. I think it's usable and not overbearing. Kinda how we operate currently tbf.
Of course if anyone has any issues, additions or other comments on it do say x- Posts and threads should be relevant to Onewheels.
(Off Topic category isn't strictly Onewheel related)
- No discrimination, harassment or bullying. Treat others as your equal.
(This includes but is not limited too: race, gender [including self ID], age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and disability)
- Please try to keep threads on topic.
(Posts that stray too far off course may be moved to a more appropriate thread)
- Disturbing or offensive content should be clearly marked and hidden under a spoiler tag.
(Mods may edit posts to add warnings if missed. Examples of NSFW content include excessive blood or injuries)
- Rules broken will may result in a warning by mods and posts may be modified to fall in line with the above rules. Frequent and deliberate breaches may result in a temporary ban while severe breaches are likely to be permanent. Obvious spam will just be removed.
Be sure to call me out for rule 3, I'm a frequent trouble maker lol.
Again, I doubt we'll need them but to ensure things stay civil some basic rules make sense to have around. - Posts and threads should be relevant to Onewheels.
Everyone happy with the above rules and wording? I'll give it a few more days for anyone to mention any tweaks or issues with the rules/wording before putting them in place.
i like your proposed rules. i actually voted for the helmet rule over on reddit, because i think we should be the culture we want to create, and so many new people read reddit and watch videos posted there with accomplished riders not wearing helmets, and i think it gives the false impression that it's safer than you think. but that's reddit -- here, everyone knows the risks and as far as i know wears safety gear as a norm. so i don't think such a rule is really necessary here.
@franko I'll start wearing my helmet whenever I post then. ;)
@onedangt haha, CAUGHT YA! ; )
For transparency I have updated rule 5 to be a bit clearer by amending the latter part to include suspicious websites. Genuine mistakes will be fine and handled accordingly but outright bot spam is destined for the incinerator.
2 posts came through linking to a site that was less than reputable. The posts were written by an AI language model so nothing of value was lost in removing it.
I'm sure some of us remember how boring it was on the old forum to see "Recent" filled with links to boards on eBay.
@Lia said :
... I'm sure some of us remember how boring it was on the old forum to see "Recent" filled with links to boards on eBay.
Oh, yes! Definitely remember. Was that an AI? Ugh..
Back then I figured it is "board-less onewheel ethusiast" sincerely looking out for all of those aftermarket options and stubbornly sharing it with the rest of community since the loads of eBay offers didn't match to its preferred location etc.Good job, Lia!