What MOD are you most stoked about?
At around a thousand miles I wanted more range and so ordered a CarvePower booster with two high capacity batteries. About the same time I had a local tire shop put on a Hoosier treaded tire. The rememberences of the CarvePower set-up, vampired in, still warms my heart. For many thousands of miles I used it, loving Onewheeling at near constant voltage throughout the long rides. The Hoosier tire did not last as long as I hoped; then I had Hoosier 5.5 treadeds, and a long-lasting Burris. Now, on the OneDanXR is an FF Hoosier T2, on my lifted and extended Onewheel Plus I have an oversized Hoosier, and on my V1 still a Hoosier 5.5 treaded. Soon, on the OneDanXR I will likely add a battery booster set-up using an EGO battery -- hoping to get that constant-voltage feeling. The hold-up mostly is building a new funky battery platform/fender -- which will change the character of the OneDanXR.
Edit: Favorite Onewheel accessory? -- Safety gear!
@blkdout I'm always the most stoked about my latest mod, whatever that may be. Right now, it is my WTF rails on my CBXR.
@biell That's a good answer. Even new grip tape can be stoke inducing, which I change out way too often lol. Right now I'm stoking on the PlatySense but if I were to get a new board tomorrow, still don't know if I could live without BANGS... although WTF and especially FAF rails are amazing fun.
@blkdout W rails abound these days!
if u have a vesc-based controller, it's fairly rudimentary to retune...
but how about stock Onewheel's??
what exactly happens when u ride mission with new rail geometry? I hear ppl talk about using custom ride settings.
so how do u replicate mission or delirium in custom settings?
@notsure You can't! Some custom setting is fairly similar to Mission but there is more surging. Also changing the nose-angle helps to ride level until PB but at low speeds, when crawling through some technical trail, the nose will only rise after accellerating so nose clearance remains a problem. A tiltkit is the only way to keep Mission, ride switch, clear terrain etc but it's a pretty intensive mod.
@notsure For me, Mission on WTF or FAF is an animal. The nose is very low making your "throttle pedal" very sensitive. I personally never liked Mission or Delirium but somewhere in between, so I've been using Custom for a while. Some very fast riders still prefer Mission with WTF's because they're riding pushback often.
I did make a compromise in tightness based on swapping WTF and FAF back and forth but right now I have my settings at +7 aggressive and +3 tightness. I use +.5 degrees for FAF and +3 degrees for WTF.
As far as replicating the presets, I think Mission is somewhere around +5 aggressive and at the far end of Loose. Delirium is +11 aggressive and far end of tight. Once you start playing around with it though, you'll figure out what you like pretty quickly.
@maciak Great point with the tilt kit. Riding switch on WTF's is like riding in very aggressive pushback. Totally uncomfortable. FAF's on the other hand isn't too bad. Could even pop the nose all the way up to 3 degrees for even more comfort and less aggressive acceleration.
@blkdout thunder rails! integrated half n halfs plus a big flashy buckle lol! fantastic!
@notsure The half and halfs or lift/lower option is brilliant on these. I've been thinking of getting a pair to fine tune my Varials. Sometimes WTF feels too low and FAF feels too high lol.
Let us know your impressions when you get them installed!
@blkdout well theyre scratched. not 3 hrs after finally installing them. A friend dove em right into the pavement while i demo'd the enduro gt... apoplexy... he feels bad. but i feel worse lol... i didnt even wanna go really. i regret it.
@notsure -- Oh my! Trauma for all.
@s-leon well perhaps ur the wrong guy to talk to...
but for real, not a minute into riding em. i had just f-ing told him the battery was low. whats the first thing he does? fucking lead boots into the pavement... board was fine till he kicked it over running out a minor nosedip onto fang bumpers.
like buying a new car and as u leave the dealership, ur friend opens the door into hydrant.
@notsure Bummer! I'd be so upset if someone else got to put the first scratch on before me. I was gonna ask for a photo but not so sure we should see that here lol.
Maybe pick up a roll or two of vinyl wrap? It's not much protection but it helps against little dings and scratches. Easy to replace and swap new colors whenever.
@blkdout the horror...
@notsure That. Is. Brutal. Keep the board, replace the friend lol.
Check this out, you can wrap it two times over for $12 and a sharp blade: https://www.amazon.com/VViViD-Replacement-Technology-Stretchable-Protective/dp/B08NCBZP6X/ref=asc_df_B08NCBZP6X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475819757661&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11824314188092407202&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014930&hvtargid=pla-1129060828701&psc=1
@blkdout well i mean at this point, theyre no longer mint condition first production run thunder rails. prob 20 of them in the world.