@lia im all about good governance.
U.S. CPSC Statement on the danger of OWs
@franko i bet every last dollar they made scrooging is now spent. all that anguish for naught. ppl might galvanize around them after this, but it won't be a clean slate. fool me once...
@biell -- Wow! Impressive, and right-on-the-mark, reply! Superlative thought and expression! Whole-hearted agreement here, with me!
@biell i just ran across the form and came to post it here as an update, but you beat me to it. i'll be filling it out today as well, but my response probably won't be as thorough as yours. nicely done!
@franko i think this time last year FM's customer service ace was mocking me... job security can do that...
@franko yeah now that i think about it: i think we deserve an apology. i think i deserve an apology! ppl try to help n they make greedy decision to exploit them in a pincer maneuver... nuh uh. maybe i should write a letter... question: of all the ppl here, who has actually worked in DC? besides me that is...
shitty ppl exploit decency. they say "this guy plays by the rules, so i think ill try to squeeze them into a corner.. charge them to get out..."
and when they get caught, they start whistling dixie about how theyre sry... about how they had no choice. 'theyre victims too!"...
well? is this different?
they put shitty ppl in charge, who then make shitty decisions, that have shitty consequences... garbage in. garbage out. computer science 101.
"At least four people have tragically died from traumatic head injuries."
-Richard Trumka
SourceEssentially these 4 weren't wearing appropriate safety gear.
Curiously they include all Onewheels in the statement so it's not like this is just about the GT ghosting issue unless this hasn't been thoroughly looked at by the CPSC.
Edit : I have made my very formal and in depth response to the CPSC. Link :)
@lia im all about good governance.
FFM sentiments still hold. FM can grow up, and take the hit for being the company they are; instead of relying on a community to help them, when all they've done is try to oppress them.
@samuraipunch lets see if this exorcism works...
Didn't really want to stick my head too much into this issue since:
A. I don't live in the US.
B. They're not legal here anyway.
That being said I'm watching the community get torn apart (again) so I guess I'll take it seriously.
Without FM the community dies. It may stick around for a bit as people cling together but let's be real most will migrate away as the prospect of new stuff vanishes and gear gets old.
Sure we've got DIY solutions but it's so niche and barely even there yet. Even the most competently made boards are a longshot for most people and aren't affordable. Lets not brush aside the assumption that DIY boards are any safer. I've seen some of these builds... just saying the hot glued IMU in some ain't filling me with confidence and I can't say they'll fair much better staying legal either.
The CPSC may well outright look at banning the entire mode of transport due to their less than competent understanding of the issue. They assume that a nosedive is a flaw. With that in mind ANY variant of this is likely at risk too. I personally can see EUC's being next and I don't want to see those banned either. Good luck convincing them your DIY board isn't a Onewheel. They want all models banned, they're not looking for exceptions.
We have reasons to want FM to do better, can't say anyone denies that. I don't see this achieving that goal though, it's spiteful at best and counterproductive to the community at worst. You don't have to like them to at least see the CPSC's issue is glaringly incorrect and threatens the rest of the PEV's that aren't exactly any safer.
FM where's my cheque? -
@lia yeah its a tragedy for all. but its not like the cpsc just dropped it out of the blue right? they just had a recall. theyve prob had tons of ppl complaining about the company. its a hammer n nail scenario. i would like to know what happened. what ACTUALLY transpired. Future Motion hasnt tried to make a lot of friends. now they need them! its as plain as day. they should file for chapter 7 or whatever n get rid of bad debt... or stakeholders. its not a blanket ban on the class. just the product. the product they hold a patent for. trotter may still be able to sell. adding a n ankle leash may appease them. but there was a discussion between FM n the CPSC, but all ive heard here is conjecture about what happened or will happen. ive yet to talk to anyone that admits to being from FM. its a mysteriously penned up company. why? i hate it but im not gonna stick my head out for them without good reason, n even if i did, thats not how the wheels of power work. not here at least. be grateful for that. institutions are not wielded privately. cpsc has a reason for it. i want to know what it is. who it comes from... thats the test i suppose.
@NotSure They claim to have been in discussion with FM requesting some sort of recall but no specific part assuming they don't literally mean recall every board in existence.
It seems pretty clear from the CPSC statement their issue with the Onewheel is simply the nosedive. "The product failed to balance the rider or suddenly stopped while in motion". If they have any other concerns I'd expect them to list them especially if it's an actual hardware fault. The date range they gave for the deaths precede the GT footpad issue and other than edge cases there wasn't rampant board failure so it's not filling me with confidence there is a specific fault they take issue with if there even is one.
This could explain why FM went into oddly specific detail on what causes a nosedive in a recent video on pushback. I say odd because some of the graphics looked hella rushed.
If we are to take the CPSC at their word and they are looking to ban Onewheels from FM because of the nosedive, something we all know is an inescapable fact of self balancing vehicles, then I can only imagine what happens when they deal with reports of EUCs which are way more capable and as a result a lot more lethal when you reach their limits. My country for a time even wanted to ban eBikes entirely for safety concerns. Nothing is safe from the "you might get hurt" police.
@lia i think lack of redundancy is an issue. no leash or dead man. the design even might be an issue. no fangs. they didnt respond to user feedback for years. n the motor cutting out is an issue without physical brakes... so the issues are mounting. add some stock sonny sliders n its a scooter. the handsfree aspect is the key differentiator. gotta get ahead of that. compare it to horses or something.
@lia said in U.S. CPSC Statement on the danger of OWs:
We have reasons to want FM to do better, can't say anyone denies that. I don't see this achieving that goal though, it's spiteful at best and counterproductive to the community at worst. You don't have to like them to at least see the CPSC's issue is glaringly incorrect and threatens the rest of the PEV's that aren't exactly any safer.
yeah, this. be careful what you wish for, because if they ban OWs and then all PEVs because of this, we're all gonna be sad.
@notsure All applies to the EUC too and none was listed in their statement, these will apply to other platforms if we even entertain this nonesense from the CPSC. They only mentioned the deaths due to the board cutting out so a deadmans switch, leash etc isn't part of their issue.
Regardless I don't think what they're claiming is reasonable by any stretch of the imagination.
seems poignant...
https://youtu.be/MM62wjLrgmA?t=310 -
Hi Onewheelers! My unflattering story about this is under the spoiler:
Hi Onewheelers! My unflattering story: One of Ruth Anne’s brothers, a commercial airline pilot, forwarded to Ruth Anne the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s news release recommending, among other things, the immediate abandonment of Onewheel riding. That that pertinent news would slip past her notice had been my hope. Ruth Anne’s nephew, adult son of the airline pilot brother who alerted Ruth Anne, also has owned or had owned and ridden a Onewheel Plus — happily, I think. Anyway, Ruth Anne then yesterday wrote a very long, pointed, frustrated email letter to ALL immediate family members about my misguided dedication. Poking, too, about the insanity of my lately renewed interest in motorcycles.An interesting fact that she did not include with her letter to all family is that after my knocked-out concussion from a Onewheel fall last December Ruth Anne had pressed me to give up Onewheel riding for my health and well-being. At that time I figured fair is fair, so I gently proposed that for her health and well-being, as obese as she currently is, that she, over time and measurably, lose weight in return. We have the method — a whole food, plant-based diet that I have been following for more than four years and which allowed me to lose thirty pounds and keep it off — that, and activities like dancing, walking, and riding bicycles! Ruth Anne absolutely and steadfastly refused, saying more than once that she would rather die than change her eating habits. “Ruth Anne!” I told her, “It’s not just the death; it’s the suffering and disability that goes along with it!”
So, with the snow the past two days I have not ridden. In past years, though, I have Onewheeled through impressively, truly deep snow when the only tracks on the Greenway were from unseen cross-country skiers and a few wild animals. Of those seasons I have posted photos here, and on the Cleveland Onewheel Riders Facebook page, videos, too.
In my experienced opinion, with riding an average of more than sixteen miles each day of all seasons for more than four years running on Onewheels (25,410 Onewheel miles logged divided by 1570 possible days), the Consumer Product Safety Commission assumption is that these “ejections” happen randomly is flat-out incorrect.
@s-leon i recently lost my stepfather to complications stemming from diabetes. they had just returned from a trip to Europe for a month. we had the chance to go too... but we didnt... diet is important. periodic fasting has benefits too imo. im the trimmest ive ever been.
so i think the used sales community is gonna have a harder time with it than Future Motion.
FM will come out with a new Onewheel. It will have a leash and a siren and seatbelts or whatever else the CPSC hammered them on privately. It will be a higher voltage XR with less hassle and more features. It'll prob be really popular tbh.
If ur not a fan of the GT or the direction it represented, then I think this might be a good thing. Might get a less hostile, more collaborative FM. I suppose we'll see.