In The Wild, Photo Share (If Possible To Capture).... Keep Your OneWheel In The Shot If You Can.
@theadman delirium is my favorite. most skateboard-like.
@notsure I'm liking it on grass, but on tarmac where the pay back is much worse I'm preferring mission right now. I can muck around a bit and carve and it doesn't feel like the board is going to bite back.
a very rare and majestic species of waterfowl
@theadman pretty much all i ride is pavement. its smart to be wary at first. i wore a helmet for the first 1000 miles. rode with a nice wide stance too. i practically stand on the fender these days.
Caterpillar pillar
All on a single vertical thread of silk -- not quite to the ground, but almost! -
Too windy on the res but still had fun.
I am getting about tonight
went on a trip in Colorado, brought Warstick with me
Acting my age again. ðŸ¤
One of my favourite places to OW, the forest with (mostly) nice compacted gravel paths.
Here's some from last year. Abandoned horse track turned Nature Preserve:
Indoor practice track:
Main track is 1 mile and the indoor track is 1/8 mile... You can see both on the overhead:
@blkdout that looks awesome. I could do with an indoor track today!
@theadman said in In The Wild, Photo Share (If Possible To Capture).... Keep Your OneWheel In The Shot If You Can.:
@blkdout that looks awesome. I could do with an indoor track today!
During Summer it's actually pretty miserable in there lol! Really cool feature though and a good way to stay out of the weather.
Just my favourite forest again, but this ride was different. I was in a foul mood before starting, half an hour later and I'm buzzing. I am loving this right now.
I look stupid (I don't care)
3 different spider species within 30 feet. Had to bail before hitting the first one. Skidded the tail and couldn't stop in time... little tire burn on my ankle lol.
See that weird looking bug? Spider!
Bowl shaped web:
Orb weaver:
*All spiders safely relocated.
egret? heron? crane? i dunno but the supermoon stole all our water.
Managed to catch this fox on camera today, I have had one chasing me up the road before, this one was a bit unsure but waited long enough for me to get the phone from my pocket :)
Came across a ripened blackberry bush that was tempting to clamber into and snag a few but thought better of it being as I'd come away covered in cuts and thorns. Enjoy the pic anyway ^-^
(yes I know the tire needs replacing. I wanna see how far I can get through before it blows out... that and Enduro's in the UK aren't in stock)Also bonus pic :3
It's technically onewheel related. A little Woodlouse was crossing my desk as I was opening the Forum. I have no idea how it got in here but I let it outside after playing with it a little. Didn't want Frank the big spider that I let roam the flat eat it.