Automatic image resizing
I've noticed sometimes the forum tends to hiccup when loading pages with a lot of images.
This is pretty much a side-effect of allowing big images.In an effort to maintain large detailed pictures while improving performance for everyone I have made the forum resize images larger than 2400 pixels wide and knock it down to 1800 wide along with the quality.
However if you click the image you get the full sized one ^-^ I did a test and below is what that looks like.
The image has been scaled down from 4032 x 3024 to 1800 x 1350This change shouldn't be visually noticeable but page performance should improve moving forward. Sadly it's not retroactive but if there are pages that seem to lag let me know here and I will manually fix the really hefty posts when I get a moment.
@lia What kind of person would start a thread with a bunch of high resolution images? They ought to be ashamed of themselves ;)
I'm probably the most guilty of this 😅Definitely not me 😊 -
@biell that might be me
@loaffette It's a few of us, to be sure. Lia even acknowledged being one of them.
@biell I will honestly say I'm probably the worst for it 😖
If anyone notices some pages that are slow gimme the linky and I'll manually trigger the resizing regardless of post owner.