Now that FM are selling parts and luckly the cable harness (w/ decent price!) being among the other stuff, I'm putting together the list.
But first -- I'd like to study known info about those on picture. A while ago I saw some people a little bit discussing over 'white locking clip' vs 'red locking clip' version in some context. But unfortunately I didn't bookmarked the hyperlink back then and now I don't remember if it was reddit or FB or what ...
@Lemur @biell @Lia @S.Leon and all the amazing DIYers 'n modders over the forum who have opened up multiple boards with various revisions -- What you got to share about these three cable harnesses ??
- Any comparisions on overall length?
- Any notes on 'rigidness VS flexibility' aspects?
- Any build quality nuances and moddability?
Obviously I am asking these Q's due to BTG or "BeastWheel" build
[ no, I'm not starting.. got most of stuff for quite a while actually ]
Just that I don't wanna experiment if my harness is fine enough or I would have to mod it on fly. For were I am at, getting stuff during the project is rather no-go scenario. Bob's Stoke Shop discontinued their EXTENDED harness a long ago and for now I am wondering if FM's (probably the latest revision of) 'red locking clip' version is fine for being donor or I'd rather look out for second hand Plus cable harness because those -might- be a little longer than any make of XR cable harness versions out there.
[ For once again: Were I am located .. any FB Marketplace deal and receiving a spare cable harness right the other ~week is no option. So I better prefer to have everything upfront. ]