A word of caution about vesc/controller capacitors
I have a Thor vesc in my 20s2p board and it always had a inconsistant shutdown with the momentary switch.
A new firmware just came out from Surfdado to retify the shutdown problem, I always use usb to update vesc firmware and BT for other changes, since I had to open up the controller to plug in, I found a capacitor lying at the bottom pf the controller box.
After disassembling the vesc to solder the loose cap back on, I went to plug the cap back in the cb, the loud "crack' and spark that jumped really woke me up to say the least.
That loose cap stilll had a charge even after at least 2 day since I rode the board, so always assume a cap is charged!
Luckily, the Thor was lid mounted and the cap didn't touch the vesc circuit board, I resoldered all the caps and hot glued the caps together.
Unfortuneatly the new firmware with the bulletproof shutdown didn't work on my Thor as it was a prototype that I was charged full price. -
@lemur -- Oh my! Shock treatment!