@lia any updates on this project? I’d love to move in this direction. I had an XR, put 3500 miles on that board. Then some asshole stole it from me at Burningman 😒 I splurged for the GT after that but so far have been dissapointed. I put an Enduro tire on it, a little better than stock, but it still feels too stiff for me. I used to ride my XR in mission or a custom shaping where the “intensity” was maxed and the “tightness” was minimized. I just ordered some WTF rails hoping that might help a little. I’m also on team “F*&@ FutureMotion” after…well, everything (how long has Custom Shaping been “in the works” for GT now?). So replacing their tight ass controller with something open source and customizable is a dream.
FWIW I’m familiar with Fusion360 and can help in that department if needed. LMK!