@kiibe -- When I got home today about a half hour or forty-five minutes after a fall due to low voltage on my Onewheel Plus (solely EGO powered with no BMS) the EGO battery read 46.5 volts. The batteries do tend to recover a little over time, so it might have been at 45 volts when I nosedived.

Why was I riding it so low? The gauge on that particular EGO battery always says full, and while I knew I had ridden on it some, I figured I had another six miles worth of power to go on it... Not so!

Thank goodness for the armor I habitually wear -- elbow, shoulder, and hip, then an immediate intentional roll onto the black, hard plastic clamshell back of Fox Titan Pro. One small scrape/friction burn on my leading elbow, and a mildly sore leading foot from the first step going down are my only hurts.

Luckily too, I was carrying an extra EGO battery strapped to the wooden fender of my Onewheel Plus... So, I traded batteries right there on the trail, Onewheeled about four miles back to my XPedition ebike -- on which I now have over 1600 miles -- and then another four miles home pedaling that.

Edit: Although no bruise shows, my hip also hurts a bit -- noticeable lying on it in bed. My knee pads also show fresh scrapes, easily seen because the fresh scrapes on the hard plastic are white gouges, while the rest of the pad is dirty from daily use. No hurt at all in the knee, although my leading big toe has turned a little purple. Again, it is comforting that the armor lets me get right back up and ride.