I bricked my Ubox85 vesc
I bought an Ubox85 that came with a momentary switch, but with firmware that doesn't support a momentary switch.
In order to use the momentary switch, new firmware has to be downloaded and requires that the power switch be held down while the firmware loads and the Ubox turns off, reboots and turns back on.
Well, I stupidly released the button too soon as I thought the Ubox had rebooted, the Ubox turned into a small paperweight.
Stlink would not connect, I've tried different stlinks, different computers and vesc to vesc stm programing, I was locked out of the stm32 chip.
I have a Ubox 100 that had blown the power section but the logic section was still good as I can still read the Stm32 chip which had the same chip as the bricked Ubox85. Since I didn't have a new stm32 chip, I decided to pulled the chip off the Ubox100 and put on the bricked Ubox.
I downloaded the new Ubox85 momentary firmware on the good chip by stlink before pulling the chip.
Final result, the Ubox85 is alive again, all functions work and installed in a stock Xr controller box for the next suspension build under construction. -
@lemur oh man, that's some heavy lifting. Good creativity though. Oneans paperweight is another's one wheel adventure.
@highspeeddirt Haha, I had nothing to lose and good experience too.